速報APP / 地圖與導航 / hKZ LL-Car Launcher-Vivid Lamp

hKZ LL-Car Launcher-Vivid Lamp





版本需求:Android 2.0 以上版本


hKZ LL-Car Launcher-Vivid Lamp(圖1)-速報App

** Change log **


.Improve the image quality for ICONs


.Change default car logo


.Added background image on App list(when you tab CAR logo)

.Tested some resolutions(720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440 x 2560)


The devices with other resolution(phone, tablet, etc) can use this app

(But we still strongly recommended the 1024x600 resolution for display quality)


hKZ LL template, Car Launcher- the vivid Lamp

hKZ template is based on Lightning Launcher,

especially recommended to car navigation(1024x600; Mstar, RKxxxx, Rkpx3)

>> some resolutions tested : (720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440 x 2560)



.You need a Lightning Launcher


******** .1024x600 Car Navigation recommended **********


** hKz LL template **

2 desktops (day-mode & night-mode) in one template basically

: Long press the Car LOGO, then you can enjoy changeable separated

day and night-mode manually!!


** Description **

.1024x600 Car Navigation recommended(other resolutions did not test yet)

.1 video(streaming)

hKZ LL-Car Launcher-Vivid Lamp(圖2)-速報App

.1 video

.1 navigation

.1 internet

.1 radio

.1 audio

* You can change linked app as your favorite

(I just wanna design the global app list)

--> Long press the Current ICON -> Pencil icon(modify function

--> Select app -> Select favorite app as you want


** Installation **


https://youtu.be/KTN-KyJvti0 (too easy)


** additional files(car logo for Tip2) **



** Tip 1(basic operation) **

1)Long press Car Logo -> Changeable screen mode(day <-> night) manually

2)Swipe from up to down with two finger -> pull down notification bar

3)Swipe from down to up with two finger -> close the notification bar

** Tip 2(Changing CAR LOGO) **

Long press the screen except(important!!) Car Logo(bottom left) for modification

-> Pencil icon(modify function

-> Long press the Car Logo(bottom left)

-> Customize item..

-> Select an icon

-> Find your favorite LOGO


Finally, our news for new arrival template(theme) always be there,


Have fun.